Content Marketing

Content Marketing

We offer a wide range of content marketing services for all industries including law, finance, insurance and healthcare.
Content Marketing

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Content marketing when done right can be one of the most cost effective methods to grow your brand and bring in leads. Unlike paid ads it’s a longer term strategy but unlike paid ads, the ROI keeps coming for months and years from good content assets you own.

With the right content marketing and SEO strategy, you can diversify where your leads come from, lower your average CPA and ensure you are not completely reliant on single channels of paid ads.

Content calendar creating

Posting content on a consistent basis is great for your target audience and for organic search traffic. We will map out the months or year ahead to plan content ahead of time that will best meet your goals and objectives. 

Planning ahead means you can have the right content ready at the right time for things like seasons, events, product launches and so on. It also allows evergreen content to be posted on a regular basis with the most important content first.

Data driven content planning

While some content needs on trending or topical subjects to be turned around quickly as the need arises, there is a big opportunity to increase organic search traffic by creating quality evergreen content which meets the needs of things your target audience is already searching for.

We plan content based on extensive research into what your target customers are searching for that’s relevant to your products or services at various stages of the funnel using tools such as SEMrush, Google ‘People also ask’ and more to find topics that stand a good chance of ranking on your website and bringing in traffic likely to convert.

Content briefing for your internal team or existing writers

If you want content produced by your own staff then we can create detailed content briefs which make things much easier for them and write about their knowledge and then we can polish it up into a ready to publish article.

Full content production

Writing, editing, and formatting are just a few of the parts of content creation that we'll manage for you in order to produce interesting, high-quality website and blog content that appeals to your target audience.

We can handle the process from start to finish including:

  • Creating detailed content briefs designed to ensure content is on brand, engaging and will meet objectives such as being well optimised for organic search traffic.
  • Content creation through our network of top tier content writers.
  • Professional editing to ensure content is concise and well written.
  • Getting the article live on your website complete with formatting, images, SEO meta data and so on.
  • Scheduling the content to be promoted via your social media page.

With the aid of our content marketing services, you can establish a powerful and profitable online presence that generates leads and revenue. To find out more about how we can assist you with your content marketing needs, get in touch with us right away.

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